CFTSS provides preventative community-based mental health and substance use services to children (ages 0-21) and their families with an outcome of improving health, well-being, and quality of life.

How Do These Services Help?
- Mitigate crisis, build coping skills, and manage behavioral symptoms.
- Provide support to child and their family in the home and community.
- Prevent the need for emergency room visits, hospital stays, or out of home placements.
Who Can Get These Services
Children and Youth (under age 21) who are covered by Medicaid, Medicaid Managed-Care, or Child Health Plus and have mental health and/or substance use needs can get these services at no additional cost.

Children and Youth (under age 21) who are covered by Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Care, or Child Health Plus and have mental health and/or substance use needs.
Services are individualized and scheduled based on the needs of the child and their family.