Mohawk Valley Perinatal Network
Mohawk Valley Perinatal Network serves as a hub for perinatal information and services for both providers and consumers. We assure access to health care for individuals across the region by helping them find affordable healthcare solutions. We work with health and human service professionals and consumers to improve the overall health of communities in the Mohawk Valley. Our mission is to improve birth outcomes and perinatal, newborn, child and family health, facilitate collaboration among providers and community organizations and advocate for change. In 2017 the Mohawk Valley Perinatal became part of The Neighborhood Center.

We can help your family thrive by providing training and education, making connections, assessing and addressing trends and issues, and assuring access to care for parents, children and families. Give us a call to learn more!
Phone: 315-801-5010
Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC) Initiative
The goal of the Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC) initiative is to support community-based efforts to improve overall health and well-being of birthing people and their families and improve health outcomes. The PICHC program works together with communities to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic disparities in health outcomes and address the factors that affect racial and ethnic disparities. PICHC programs use a reproductive justice framework, which means ensuring that every person understands their right to make decisions about their own bodies, including whether they want to have children or not, and have access to and the ability for parenting children in safe and healthy communities
PICHC initiative key priority outcomes include reducing:
- Preterm Births, births occurring before 37 weeks gestation (of pregnancy);
- Low Birth Weight, an infant weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth;
- Infant Mortality, an infant death from the time of birth until the day of the infant’s first birthday; and
- Maternal Mortality, the death of a birthing individual while pregnant or within one year of the end of pregnancy.

Community Health Worker Program
Community Health Workers provide free home visiting in Oneida and Herkimer Counties. We work with people during pregnancy, after pregnancy or between pregnancies. More information can be found here
Health Insurance Navigators
3 Parkside Court, Building
Utica, NY 13501
Call: 315-732-4657
View the Health Insurance Navigators page here

How We Help:
We offer the following meetings and community collaborations:
- Healthy Babies Consortium
- Infant Safe Sleep Coalition
Community Resources
Mohawk Valley Perinatal Network offers regular events to help keep your child safe. The infant Safe Sleep coalition offers trainings and education on safe sleeping. The major cause of PREVENTABLE deaths in babies under the age of one is suffocation. We have programs, and tips, to help you relax and raise a healthy baby. Stay up to date by following our Facebook page!

For the Latest News, check out our quarterly Newsletter! Kindly share this newsletter with families, service providers and community members.
Please contact us to suggest news items or articles.
MVPN Newsletter Winter 2021-22
Community Collaboration
Our Mission is to improve birth outcomes and perinatal, child and family health; and to facilitate community collaborations and advocacy. One of the main goals of the Perinatal Network is to educate the community on key topics and collaborate with key community partners to address and identify community needs regarding Perinatal Care. These include Safe Sleep, Chestfeeding (ie: Mohawk Valley Breastfeeding Network), civic engagement, maternal health and more!
Key Points
MVPN is open to any one in the community. Our goal is to provide education, information and referrals to people before, during, after, and in between pregnancies.
Support families to access preventative and primary healthcare and offer referrals to community resources.
Michelle Firlit
Community Health Worker Supervisor & Program Director
Phone: 315-801-5010
Colleen Cavallo
MVPN Managing Director
Phone: 315-941-3724