DSRIP Information

DSRIP Information

DSRIP Information for Clients

The Neighborhood Center, Inc. is part of a Performing Provider System (PPS) under New York State's Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program. DSRIP focuses on health care system transformation, where providers work to improve and coordinate community-based, primary care, mental health and preventive care services. The lead PPS organization in our area is Central New York Care Collaborative, Inc. (CNYCC).

Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about these DSRIP projects or the CNYCC PPS, please contact:

All reports are treated with respect and may be made anonymously. No one will retaliate against any person making a report in good faith. Thank you.

DSRIP Project Participation

We participate in certain DSRIP projects in the CNYCC PPS, including the following:

Integrated Delivery System

A project designed to improve healthcare by better-integrating people, process, and healthcare technology. Integrated Delivery System is focused on delivering evidence-based, high-quality care to patients while incorporating a "population health management" strategy and preparing for the shift to a value-based payment system.

DSRIP Care Management

A project designed to help people manage chronic conditions through coordinated care and support services.

Care Transitions

A project focused on creating a comprehensive plan for patients as they are discharged from the hospital.

Primary Care/Behavioral Health Integration

A project focused on bringing primary care, mental health and substance use services together.

Behavioral Health Crisis Stabilization

A project focused on creating more community-based options for individuals experiencing a mental-health or substance-use related crisis; this project also involves creating networks between existing crisis services so that coordination of care across settings can occur.

Reduce Premature Births

A project with the goal of lowering the rate of premature births through the development of a uniform protocol and the specialized training of obstetrical care providers.

Behavioral Health Infrastructure

A project focused on building collaborations between systems including service providers, schools, government agencies, employers, and law enforcement. Together, they work to identify solutions to community challenges like opioid addiction, suicide, and serious mental illness.

(315) 272-2600
(844) 732-6228
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To enrich the lives of individuals and families through cooperative opportunities, resources, and advocacy which embrace diversity, promote empowerment, and foster responsible citizenship.